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ENPOR Newsletter
A service to understand energy vulnerable households and how to support them
Energy efficiency retrofitting should consider human lives and stories
ENPOR updates its report on energy poverty in the private rented sector
The ENPOR Project has updated its overview of academic and grey literature and suggested resultant framework of measures to tackle energy poverty in the Private Rented Sector (PRS). This report establishes the state-of-the-art in knowledge of PRS-specific energy poverty challenges. Since the first overview was published in 2020, the effects of COVID-19 on energy poverty have been better understood, however, this update comes in the midst of the energy crisis, exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, of which the overall social impacts are unclear. While the member states roll out financial support measures to cushion the effects of the energy crisis, experts call for systematic, continuous and well-funded public support policies that address the broader population, not just emergency measures that are only available to particular groups. These measures need to be targeted and custom-made for the private rented sector and must include characteristics designed to address the various realities of energy poor rental households as well as their landlords.
German ElectricitySavingCheck (Stromsparcheck) extends its heating advice
Energy poverty has gained increasing attention in the German public with the energy crisis. Despite the exploding energy prices, the Federal Government hasn’t acknowledged it so far to be a distinct issue from general poverty, addressing it with the financial instruments of the welfare state (e.g., transfer payments).
In addition, it provides financial support to non-governmental organisations to offer energy saving advice to low-income households. The most prominent initiative is the “StromSparCheck” (Electricity Saving Check) project, run by Caritas, in cooperation with the Federal Association of Energy and Climate Protection Agencies in Germany. In this programme, long-term unemployed citizens are trained to provide energy saving advice and low-cost technical devices free of charge to welfare recipients and low-income households.
We partnered with Caritas Düsseldorf to further develop innovative approaches to be able to convey energy advice more effectively or to increase heat savings and achieve better comfort levels by means of new tools and approaches. These approaches are tested and evaluated on an ongoing basis.
What is needed for a municipal approach 2.0 against energy poverty?
Rising energy prices make it difficult to stay in control of the energy bill. Especially for people in a poorly insulated home, with a high energy bill and/or a lower income. Municipalities have been trying to support people who struggle with paying their energy bills. In the context of the Horizon 2020 projects EnergyMeasures and ENPOR, Dutch partners organised a meeting focusing on municipal approaches to decrease energy poverty. Roughly 80 participants worked on recommendations for a municipal approach 2.0 in 10 parallel sessions.
The parallel sessions included approaches with Energiebox in various municipalities, energy vouchers in Zeist, participatory action research in Soest, activities in the Eindhoven metropolitan area, approaches aimed at insulating one's own home in Deventer, actions by property owners to work together with tenants, and approaching people through the food bank in Utrecht. Lessons from debt counseling and behavioral psychology were included.
Save energy with ENPOR – New translations to reduce energy consumption
The ENPOR partner Austrian Energy Agency developed materials to increase energy efficient heating and cooling lifestyle focusing on visual language. Designed to get to hard-to-reach target groups, the feedback from households so far has been very positive and thus confirms the effect of the newly developed formats.
The materials are now freely available in German, English, Turkish, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, Farsi and Arabic and can be downloaded from:
Publication: How to improve energy efficiency policies to address energy poverty?
Literature and stakeholder insights for private rented housing in Europe Households in the private rented sector (i.e., households renting properties at a market rate from a private landlord), and especially those of lower income, face far more energy poverty issues than the general population, meaning that they are often unable to afford socially and materially required levels of energy services. In this context, energy efficiency policies are of the outmost importance as they can improve households' living conditions and contribute to the alleviation of energy poverty. Nevertheless, when it comes to the private rented sector across Europe, implementing such policies is hindered by several barriers. Our article sheds light on structural factors that serve as barriers to, and solutions for, the implementation of energy efficiency policies in the private rented sector across Europe.
Our findings showed that financial barriers were rated as the most critical by all the different stakeholder groups, except by policymakers. This highlights the importance of providing financial incentives and subsidies that consider the needs of both landlords and tenants. On the other hand, policymakers highlighted that the existing barriers are not only an issue of lack of funding and rated political/regulatory barriers as the most important ones, since existing energy efficiency policies fail to capture the particularities of the PRS across Europe.
Policy: Cities and towns set example in the fight against energy poverty
Climate Alliance members adopt resolution to mitigate energy poverty More commitment in the fight against energy poverty at all levels – Climate Alliance demands nothing less in its latest resolution, adopted at its annual general assembly. A network comprising almost 2,000 municipalities across Europe is directly reacting to the current energy crisis and the increasing prevalence of energy poverty. We warmly welcome the integration of ENPOR recommendations highlighting the willingness of local authorities to tackle the tenant-landlord dilemma when designing support measures for energy efficient renovations. “The protection of vulnerable low and middle-income households must be a priority if we want to ensure a just energy transition,” stresses Andreas Wolter, Climate Alliance President and Mayor of the City of Cologne.
The International Energy Poverty Action Week 2023
Online | Everywhere | 20-24 February 2023 | Time varies per day | Registrations open
The International Energy Poverty Action Week (IEPAW) returns in February 2023 for its second edition to highlight solutions and actions to combat energy poverty worldwide. IEPAW aims to bring together policymakers, practitioners and experts from around the world for a series of discussions, workshops and actions to highlight the urgent need to find solutions to energy poverty amid the global climate crisis.
Why is it more critical than ever to be able to afford clean, sustainable and renewable energy? Does fuel poverty cause higher death rates? What can we do together to ensure that renewable energy is available to all without high costs? These are only some of the questions to be highlighted on the road to access to affordable, sustainable and clean energy on every continent:
Express your interest: ENPOR Capacity building event series
The capacity building seminars target stakeholders of actions and measures connected to energy poverty mitigation. We will organise thematic capacity building seminars on the following topics: - The Split Incentive: Supporting building owners and energy poor tenants
- Energy efficiency advisory services for the rental sector
- How to reach (energy poor) tenants?
- Connecting energy poor communities
- How to facilitate agreements between landlords and tenants
These events will take place in 2023. Are you interested to receive detailed information on these events? Fill out this Expression of Interest Form to stay informed:
Energy poverty mitigation in Europe: Potential role for renewable energy communities
Online | 14 March 2023 | 10h00-13h00 CET | Registrations open
The European Energy Network developed a study on policy and the current status of energy poverty. The study focuses on the facilitating role of energy agencies as enabling agents in the context of renewable energy communities and combating energy poverty, the effectiveness of current policy measures including strategies for fair renewable energy access, and financing mechanisms considering special emergency measures due to Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. Under the coordination of the Programs and Initiatives Department (DPI) at ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency, the study was developed together with six other agencies joining the study’s Steering Committee (ADEME, Agency for Ecological Transition, France; AEA, Austrian Energy Agency; CRES, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece; Dena, German Energy Agency; Energy Saving Trust, United Kingdom, RVO, Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and received contributions from a total of 14 agencies across Europe.
The EPAH national indicators on energy poverty
The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) has conducted the update on national indicators for energy poverty, resulting in a new dashboard available on the website. It offers a practical visualisation of energy poverty levels across Europe thanks to the most recent EU-wide statistics. This interactive database provides practical features to navigate through 21 national indicators. New disaggregated data increases the precision of the analysis and new functions allow comparisons of data between countries and years, as well as a country view with all indicators available.
People affected by energy poverty feel less healthy EmpowerMed shows
During the implementation of practical activities to tackle energy poverty, the EmpowerMed project researched the energy poverty aspects in the six pilot regions: Albania (Vlore), Croatia (Zadar), France (Marseille), Italy (Padova), Slovenia (Obala), Spain (Barcelona). An in-depth questionnaire, aiming at mapping the energy poverty situation of households that participated in practical actions of EmpowerMed project, researched over 670 people, affected by energy poverty. As EmpowerMed is focused on women, a little over two thirds of the sample consists of women.
More information on how the gender, health and summertime energy poverty nexus is manifested in the studied households across the six pilot areas in the Mediterranean can be found in the EmpowerMed analysis here:
Rethinking energy efficiency in time of an energy crisis: Concepts, measures and on-the-ground initiatives towards just energy transition
POWERPOOR’s Trainings and energy poverty alleviation offices expand
POWERPOOR 's energy poverty alleviation support programmes are led by a trained and certified network of energy supporters and mentors that act as ‘local heroes’ facilitating behavioural change and the uptake of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy.
More than 50 training sessions have been held in the 8 pilot countries with more than 1500 participants, more than 950 of which have been certified as energy supporters and mentors supporting households and municipalities across EU. Discover the locations of the POWEPROOR energy poverty alleviation offices and the of the certified energy supports and mentors. POWEPROOR project will also hold two EU inspiring events, follow their Twitter Facebook, and LinkedIn to find out more information.
In-depth description of new and adapted financing schemes for application in the ComAct pilot cases
This report presents financing schemes for deep energy renovation of multifamily apartment buildings in the 5 ComAct pilot countries – Bulgaria, Republic of North Macedonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Ukraine, selected by the relevant project partners as the most suitable to increase the scope and rate of the renovation programmes, while at the same time taking into consideration the interests and needs of the energy poor households.
RENOVERTY kicks off:Time to put rural energy poverty on the map
The new project RENOVERTY aims to address it through replicable and scalable renovation roadmaps
RENOVERTY will support around 115 households in getting adequate home renovations that will enhance their quality of life and also lower their energy bills. Furthermore, the project’s replication activities will indirectly impact around 1150 vulnerable households at the national level and in other regions that can implement relevant policies in the rural areas after the project lifetime.
RENOVERTY seeks to put rural energy poverty on the map by identifying key indicators to characterise the most at-risk populations, thereby enabling their targeted support, while alleviating rural vulnerability by fostering energy efficiency building upgrades in energy poor households through replicable and scalable renovation roadmaps.
BLOG | Carbon price and energy poverty: The EU Emission Trading System (ETS) and energy poor households
The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), introduced in 2005, puts a price on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to foster EU emissions reductions. Under the Fit for 55 Package, the ambition for ETS was further increased, and a separate carbon market, ETS2, is also being created for buildings and road transport.
Recently, the European Council and the Parliament reached a deal on the new Emissions' Trading System (ETS) and the Social Climate Fund. The text of the Proposal for the establishment of the Social Climate Fund includes the definition of energy poverty as well as a reference on rental situations (13, Page 10) when to designing policies to address the social impacts of the introduction of the emissions trading for buildings and road transport on vulnerable households, vulnerable micro-enterprises and vulnerable transport users: "Attention needs to be paid to various forms of tenant housing, including in the private rental market. Financial support or fiscal incentives, such as deductibility of renovation costs from the rent could be included among the measures in order to take account of tenants and people living in social housing."
Fuelwood use as a cultural practice to cope with energy poverty in Europe
Fuelwood has been overlooked by European energy transition policies, despite its importance as a domestic energy source for many European households. We study fuelwood use for coping with energy poverty based on the lived experience of energy-vulnerable households in five diverse European countries (Portugal, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, and North Macedonia). From their perspective, fuelwood is a central and multifunctional tool for coping with energy poverty because of its many favorable features, including enabling energy security and access, that overweigh its adverse environmental and health impacts.
This recent research paper focuses on fuelwood as a central and multifunctional tool for coping with energy poverty.
Submit your article for the next issue
ENPOR increases the capacity of the decision makers for understanding and mitigating its effects by designing and implementing ten policies. To bundle findings and outcomes of projects dealing with energy vulnerability and to support policies related to fair energy transition we seek to publish related interesting news and articles. We welcome articles and news from other projects and inititiatives, as well as by researchers or policy initiatives interested in distributing their results in an easy-to-understand language.
This Newsletter reflects only the author’s view and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. ENPOR has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 889385.
Energy vulnerability is a critical factor for fair energy transition and requires addressing with the proper policy.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2021 ENPOR Project. All rights reserved.
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The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 889385.